Two year blogiversary & book giveaway

I am giving away a free, signed copy of my forthcoming book about street harassment to commemorate the two-year anniversary of my blog (it’s tomorrow) & to honor all of the brave individuals who have shared their stories.

Who: YOU! Your friends, your family, your colleagues, your neighbors, etc.

What: Random drawing of names to determine the winner of the Stop Street Harassment book giveaway.

When: You have until 7:30 p.m. EDT on 5/26/10 to email me to be included. I’ll post the winner on this blog and email them around 8 p.m. EDT on 5/26. The book is available Aug. 30, and the winner will receive a mailed copy soon after that date.

Where: Email stopstreetharassmentATyahooDOTcom with your name.*

Why: To celebrate two years of blogging and collecting street harassment stories. A book giveaway is especially fitting as several blog posts from my first year are excerpted in it and many of my blog readers participated in the survey that helps inform the narrative.

How can you get the book if you don’t win?

You can pre-order the book today on Barnes & Noble (best price) or on You can purchase it there starting on Aug. 30. My publisher mainly distributes to libraries, so in the fall, hopefully you can find it at a library near you.

And I’ll be doing another book give away on the book release date, August 30, so you can enter again then!

Two years…

Thank you for speaking out against street harassment and for showing the prevalence of this problem in women’s lives across these past two years. Let’s keep raising our voices and fighting this issue so that one day public places can be safe and welcoming for women!

* Note: I will not share your email address with anyone. However, unless you specify you do not want me to, I may include you in future emails about book-related news or street harassment events.

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