CTA STORIES: A Spoken Word Event

youngwomensactionteamThe Young Women’s Action Team are exploring the prevalence of sexual harassment and assault on Chicago’s public transit system. So far, they’ve been shocked at just how many of their survey respondents reported that they had been victims of sexual harassment and assault on the CTA.

They want to collect more stories and are inviting young women ages 12 to 25 to join them for a spoken word event on June 27, 2 to 4 p.m. They will have refreshments and offer prizes for the best poems, songs, and spoken word pieces.

Event Info
Saturday, June 27, 2009
2 to 4 p.m.
Berger Park Cultural Center
6205 N. Sheridan Road
Chicago, IL

Directions: #147 Bus or #151 buses to Granville and Sheridan. Also the Red Line EL to Granville and then walk 3 blocks to the Lake.

RSVP to Ronnett Lockett at rpywat@hotmail.com

2 Responses to CTA STORIES: A Spoken Word Event

  1. viv says:

    i’m curious about the age restriction. so, we “older” women have nothing to add to this issue? well, for those of you “younger” women who will look years “younger” than your actual age for a long time, trust me, this street harassment WILL continue.
    how unfortunate that my stories have no place along side the stories of “young” women. and how offensive that other and supposedly “younger” women have decided that the definition of a “young” woman ends at the age of TWENTY-FIVE!!! wow. someday you kids will understand just how young many years after 25 actually are and i hope you remember how much you must have insulted YOUNG women over your cut-off “young” age.

  2. Viv –
    The organization putting on the event is comprised of young women (teenagers) focused on issues facing young women (street harassment is just one issue they address). Thus, I think there is nothing wrong with them restricting their focus to the age group they did. Too often young women do not get their voices heard and I believe they are the most vulnerable to street harassment in that they are more likely to not know how to handle it or know their rights to report or prosecute the harassers. So often it is men two or three times their age harassing them. “Older” women (I am not 25 or under myself) I would think would know their rights and know how to handle the harassers better. Age does bring some power.

    That being said, this blog is for people of all ages and you are welcome to submit your stories and views on street harassment for inclusion. http://stopstreetharassment.wufoo.com/forms/z7x4m1/

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